Drill Press Mobile Base

A mobile base is one of the best accessories you can get for your drill press.

Drill presses are great additions to just about any shop, they are probably one of the best bang for buck tools you can buy for most people.

You can do the obvious with them, drill holes, but you can also do light machining with a drill press.

Some people even do wood lathe work with a drill press. Yes, you can actually turn your drill press into a lathe with a drill press lathe attachment.

Mobility Problem

One of the downsides to any decent size drill press is that it is not very mobile and easy to move around the shop.

If you have plenty of space available then this may not be a problem for you, but if you are short on space or need to move your drill press around for some other reason then a mobile base may be a good option for you.

Mobile Base Solution

Drill press mobile bases are a pretty straightforward drill press accessory, but there are some useful features you should be aware of when selecting the correct drill press mobile base for your situation.

Check Current Mobile Base Prices

Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for a mobile base you for your drill press.

Size of the wheels

Size does matter when picking the best drill press mobile base, when it comes to casters anyway.

Larger wheels are easier to roll, but they also raise the drill press higher, so this may cause it to be easier to tip.

Wheel material

The material of the caster wheels make a big difference in how easy the mobile base will allow you to move your drill press around your shop.

Hard materials like hard plastic or metal are fine if your floor is smooth and free of debris.

Most of us have experienced rolling over something like a grain of sand with a hard caster.

It stops you like two 18 wheelers in a head-on collision.

Software caster material like rubber will be better in these cases, but they may be less durable.


Caster locks are a nice feature for your drill press mobile base.

Most mobile bases you come across will have locks.

Locks will make sure your drill press stays put after you move it to a new location.

If you need to use your drill press mobile base to move your drill press often make sure you can one with locks that are easy to engage and disengage.

Weight limit

This might seem like an obvious one, but make sure the drill press mobile base you select is rated for the weight of your drill press.

It is also better to have some extra room to breathe here too.

If your drill press is 200 pounds it is probably better in most cases to pick a drill press mobile base rated for more than that instead of one rated for exactly 200 pounds.


There are tons of options out there when it comes to mobile bases.

There are some that are sold completely ready to use and others where you provide wood or other material for the base and attach that to a frame and wheels.

Due to the huge number of options when it comes to a drill press mobile base we think it is best to look at all of your options and pick the best on for you.

Click the link below to see the current available options and prices.

Check Current Mobile Base Prices

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