Underground Pipe Locators

Learn about the different types of underground pipe locators and when to use them!

What are underground pipe locators?

Underground pipe detectors or locators are devices that emit electromagnetic or sonic waves into the ground and listen for reflections from buried pipes.

They are useful for finding underground water lines, sewer lines, and gas lines.

Pipe locators can be used to locate both metal and non-metal pipes.

Metal pipes reflect both electromagnetic and sonic waves, while non-metal pipes only reflect sonic waves.

Therefore, pipe locators that emit electromagnetic signals are more likely to detect metal pipes, while those that emit sonic waves are more likely to detect non-metal pipes.

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Who uses underground pipe locators?

Pipe locators are an important tool for utility providers and contractors who need to avoid damaging underground pipes when excavating.

They can also be used to locate pipes that are already damaged and need to be repaired.

Utility providers often use pipe locators to locate their own underground utilities before excavating for new construction projects.

This helps avoid damage to the existing infrastructure and costly repairs.

Contractors also use pipe locators to locate underground utilities before starting a construction project.

This is important to avoid damaging the pipes and causing a service interruption for the utility customers.

Pipe locators can also be used by homeowners and businesses to locate underground pipes on their property.

This is helpful when planning a landscaping project or excavating for a new building.

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What types of underground pipe locators are there?

There are two main types of underground pipe locators: active and passive.

Active pipe locators emit a radio frequency or electromagnetic signal into the ground and listen for reflections from buried pipes.

Passive pipe locators do not emit any signal into the ground but instead listen for naturally occurring electromagnetic signals that are emitted by buried pipes.

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How do active pipe locators work?

Active pipe locators emit a radio frequency or electromagnetic signal into the ground and listen for reflections from buried pipes.

The signal is transmitted into the ground through a transmitter coil and received by a receiver coil.

The receiver coil is connected to a display unit that shows the location of the underground pipe.

The transmitter coil sends out a signal that penetrates the ground and is reflected by the buried pipe.

The time it takes for the signal to be transmitted and received is used to calculate the depth of the buried pipe.

The reflection of the signal is also used to determine the direction of the buried pipe.

The transmitter coil can be placed directly on the ground or held above the ground on a tripod.

The receiver coil is typically held above the ground on a tripod.

There are also active pipe locators that have a transmitter attached to a cable which you can insert into an underground pipe.

Then the receiver will pick up signals from the transmitter.

This type of pipe locator can be used with non-metallic pipes

Of course you would need a way to access the pipe to use this type of locator.

Active pipe locators are more accurate than passive pipe locators and can be used to locate both metal and non-metal pipes.

However, they require a power source and cannot be used in areas where there is a lot of metal in the ground, such as near railroad tracks.

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How do passive pipe locators work?

Passive pipe locators do not emit any signal into the ground but instead listen for naturally occurring electromagnetic signals that are emitted by buried pipes.

The signals are picked up by a receiver coil and displayed on a unit.

The receiver coil is placed directly on the ground or held above the ground on a tripod.

There is no transmitter coil as there is with active pipe locators.

Passive pipe locators are less accurate than active pipe locators and can only be used to locate metal pipes.

However, they do not require a power source and can be used in areas where there is a lot of metal in the ground that could interfere with active underground pipe locators.

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What are the advantages of using an underground pipe locator?

Underground pipe locators are a quick and easy way to locate buried pipes without having to dig up the entire area.

They are also less expensive than traditional methods, such as excavating with a backhoe.

Pipe locators can also be used to locate pipes that are already damaged and need to be repaired.

This is helpful in avoiding costly repairs and service interruptions for the utility customers.

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What are the disadvantages of using an underground pipe locator?

Underground pipe locators have a few disadvantages.

They require a power source, which can be a problem in remote areas.

They won’t work in regions with a lot of metal in the soil, either.

In addition, pipe locators are not always accurate.

The accuracy of the locator depends on the type of signal being transmitted, the depth of the buried pipe, and the type of pipe material.

Pipe locators are also affected by other underground utilities, such as water and gas lines.

These utilities can interfere with the signal and make it difficult to locate the buried pipe.

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How much do underground pipe locators cost?

Active pipe locators typically cost between $500 and $5,000.

Passive pipe locators typically cost between $100 and $1,000.

The price of the underground pipe locator depends on the type of locator, the brand, the features, and the accuracy.

For example, an active pipe locator that can be used to locate both metal and non-metal pipes will cost more than a passive pipe locator that can only be used to locate metal pipes.

A pipe locator with a higher accuracy will also cost more than a pipe locator with a lower accuracy.

Do your research to find the best underground pipe locator for your needs.

You may want to consider renting a pipe locator if you only need it for a short period of time.

Renting an underground pipe locator typically costs between $50 and $200 per day.

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Pipe locators are a quick and easy way to find buried pipes without having to dig up the entire area.

They are less expensive than traditional methods, such as excavating with a backhoe, and can be used to locate both metal and non-metal pipes.

When used properly underground pipe locators are valuable tools that will save lots of time and frustration when you need the locate underground utilities.

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