Best Torque Sticks

Need some torque sticks? Find out which ones are the best.

If you are looking for the best torque sticks there really is not too many things you need to look for.

All the Same?

Basically, in our experience, all torque sticks from reputable manufacturers perform the same.

So, with that said, there are a few other things that can make a certain set of torque sticks stand out from some of the other ones.

You can just go directly to our top picks for the best torque sticks if you want.

Some Nice to Haves

Since the performance of quality torque stick brands are the same we will focus on some of the other nice to have features that can add some additional features to torque sticks.

Color Coded by Torque Value

Probably one of the nicest features we have seen on torque sticks is them being color coded by their torque value.

So basically that means that each torque stick will be marked with a different color depending on the particular torque value of that torque stick.

For example, maybe a 75 foot pound torque stick is colored red and a 100 foot pound one is green.

There does not seem to be any standards with regard to these torque values colors, so if you buy torque sticks from different manufacturers then you may end up with torque sticks with different torque values the the same color marking.

Sometimes you will seen torque sticks where the whole extension is color coded, and then other times you will see something like a color band.

Make sure, especially if you see a color band, that it is painted or power coated on and not a sticker.

The colored stickers are not nearly as durable as markings that are painted or powder coated on the extensions.

Engraved Specifications

It is also a good idea make sure the torque sticks you choose to buy have the torque value specifications engraved on them.

You may see some torque sticks with their specifications only painted on and not engraved.

If the specifications are not engraved then there is a good chance they will be scratched or worn off over time, especially if the torque sticks are used a lot.

So, we would definitely recommend any torque sticks you buy have the specifications engraved into the extension itself.

A lot of extensions that have the specifications engraved will also have some paint or power coating inside the engraved areas to make the markings easier to read.

If this is the case that is fine, since even if the paint or powder coating wears off you will still be able to read the markings.

Storage Case

If you buy a whole set of torque sticks it is a good idea to look for a set that comes in a nice storage case.

These days pretty much all storage cases you find will be made if plastic.

There can be a lot of variation in the quality of the case plastic though.

Look for a case that is not too thin and has heavy duty hinges so the case can stand up to some actual use.


Even though all quality torque sticks perform basically the same, you can see that there are some other features that can make one kind stand out from another.

When selecting the best torque sticks just keep these extra bells and whistles in mind.

You can also go directly to our top picks for the best torque sticks to see the ones we recommend.

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