Hand Pump Texture Gun

If you need a hand pump texture gun take a look at our top 2 picks.

If you do not have an air compressor or even power available then you can still apply texture with a hand pump texture gun.

Some people are also fans of these types of texture guns since they are simple and easy to use.

Common Texture Guns

Most texture guns you find will have one of two methods of forcing the texture material out of the gun and on to the wall or ceiling you are applying texture to.

The first method is just a regular air compressor.

You just connect the compressor to the gun like any other air tool, and the gun will use the compressed air to force the texture material out of the gun.

The second method does not use an external air compressor, but these do have an integrated air source of some type.

The principal is the same as the types with the external compressor.

Hand Pump?

Yes, this may surprise many people, but there hand pump texture guns.

Some of these are small texture gun that are made for touch up of existing textured wall, ceiling, or other textured surfaces.

There are larger texture guns that are also designed to apply texture over large areas that have a hand pump.

These hand pump texture guns are usually better for smaller jobs, do it yourselfers, and as mentioned earlier, repairs to existing textures.

Aerosol Texture Options

Another option for small jobs and repairs is ready to spray aerosol cans of texture material.

A company name Homax makes several versions of these aerosol cans.

You can take a look at the options and prices for these by clicking the link below.

Check Aerosol Texture Spray Can Prices

Best Hand Pump Texture Guns

Compared to the more common types of texture guns, the hand pump texture gun selection is much more limited.

First we will go over guns that are designed to be used to apply texture to untextured surfaces.

The first gun on our list is the Homax 4205 spray gun.

This hand pump texture gun is good for the DIYer, small texture projects, and the repair of existing textured surfaces.

Please note when you purchase this item it dose not come with a hopper. although a hopper is available for it.

Homax 4205 Texture Gun

  • No Compressor Required
  • No Electricity Required
  • Supports Orange Peel, Knockdown, and Popcode Textures
  • Works with Homax Hopper (not included)
  • Works with Homax Premixed Textures (not included)

heck Homax 4205 Prices

The next hand pump texture gun on our list is the Homax Texture Touch Up Kit, part number 041072041218 (yeah, it’s a long part number).

This is a complete kit that comes with everything you need, and it is designed for repairing existing texture on wall, ceilings, and other surfaces.

Homax Texture Touch Up Kit

  • No Compressor Required
  • No Electricity Required
  • Supports Orange Peel, Knockdown, and Popcode Textures
  • Comes with Everthing You Need
  • Covers 15 sq feet (wall) / 2 sq feet (ceiling)

Check Homax Texture Touch Up Kit Prices


If you are looking for a hand pump texture gun there are some options.

They are much more limited than other types of texture guns that either use an external air compressor or have some kind of integrated air compressor or pump.

If you have a small area to texture or are repairing an existing wall or ceiling texture then a hand pump texture gun may be a good choice for your project.

Also, don’t forget to check out the ready to spray aerosol cans of texture that are available.

These can also be a good option depending on your needs (see link below).

Check Aerosol Texture Spray Can Prices

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