What is a Plasma Table?

A plasma table is a table that is specifically designed to make plasma cutting easier and more efficient.

Instead of a normal flat surface like a regular table these tables have strips of metal with gap in between that make up the surface.

Table Surface

These pieces of metal that make up the table surface are turned on their side, so that the edges of the strips make up the table surface.

Just imagine a normal table with a thin metal top.

If you cut the top into strips and then turn each strip 90 degrees that would be the basic design of a plasma table.

These narrow slats with gaps in between allow the plasma stream and material being cut to pass through.

These slats also absorb less heat than a normal solid table surface would.

On most plasma tables the slats are easy to replace since during normal use the slats will wear out due to getting chunks of them getting cut out.

Water Table

Another feature of some plasma tables is a pool of water below the table’s cutting surface.

This pool of water catches the plasma stream and minimizes the splash back.

Plasma tables that have the pool of water below the surface are usually called plasma water tables.

Plasma tables range from very simple designs to much more advanced ones.

You can even buy plasma tables that can be controlled via CNC for automated cutting.

These CNC plasma tables range widely in prices.

If you are interested in trying out CNC plasma cutting you can check out an entry level CNC plasma table to get started.

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